​How does Acupuncture work?
The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (called “Qi”, pronounce chee) that are essential for health. According to the established doctrines of classical Chinese medicine, this is an unceasing flow of life energy throughout the human body to maintain life and health. This vital energy flows along the continuous circulatory channels called Meridians. When the energy flow is smooth and in balance, one is healthy; if the balance is disturbed, then one will experience illness or pain. There are some specific points along the meridians called acupuncture points where the energy flow can be stimulated, thus restoring the delicate balance. These effects are vital for the healing. Acupuncture is applied to the points selected on the basis of meridian systems.
This is the Chinese way to explain how acupuncture normalizes the physiological function and helps to maintain the body’s harmonious equilibrium. In other words, acupuncture amplifies human’s natural healing power. For thousands of years, acupuncture was not only used to treat diseases, but also to strengthen the human body’s physical condition, to prevent disease, to promote health, and to achieve longevity.
What does Acupuncture feel like?
The needles are thinner than human hair and much, much smaller than needles typically used to draw blood or give injections. Initially, a pricking sensation may or may not occur. After a needle has been inserted, a slight sensation of tingling, numbness, ache, traveling warmth, and/or heaviness around the needles may occur, but these sensations dissipate quickly. Most patients are able to relax and may even fall asleep during their treatments.